
For more information about the coordination of KTH Materials Laboratory, please contact

KTH Materials Laboratory is linked to three LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems). To get information about the instruments and laboratories connected to these LIMS, please use the contact details below:

Contact - Electrum Lab LIMS

Contact - Greenhouse Lab LIMS

Contact - KTH Materials Lab LIMS

You can also visit the LIMS homepages:

Electrum Laboratory LIMS

Greenhouse Labs LIMS

KTH Materials Laboratory LIMS


Welcome to KTH Materials Laboratory

KTH Materials Laboratory is a virtual laboratory for materials research infrastructure at KTH. Here you can find information on materials processing/synthesis and characterization equipment at KTH.


Extensive materials research is performed at KTH in a wide range of research fields. The research thus requires various types of experimental equipment. KTH has research facilities, laboratories and equipment located at 8 different schools. The equipment can be divided into two main groups, i.e. methods/instruments for (i) processing or synthesizing materials and (ii) investigating or characterizing materials. By following the links below, you can obtain information about the types of instruments available at KTH (tool categories). Information about each specific instrument in the system is also available.

KTH Materials Research Experimental Equipment

Who can make use of the laboratory?
The equipment in this laboratory is intended for researchers at KTH and collaborating partners in academia or industry. Bookable instruments have different charging rates for KTH users and external users.
How can I book a certain instrument?
If you are interested in using a specific instrument, please contact
What can be accomplished by this virtual laboratory?
The laboratory intends to facilitate for the researchers at KTH to see whether specific equipment is available at KTH. This will minimize the risk of several similar instruments being bought. Moreover, the laboratory is expected to stimulate interactions between researchers from different KTH Schools.
What services are provided?
KTH Materials Laboratory is coordinated by the Materials Platform at KTH. For services connected to specific laboratories, please contact the laboratory of interest.